Ian’s fig tree, 2019-ongoing
photographed in 2022 at the gas station on the way to Warsaw

•  In 2019, Ian Page cut a branch from a fig tree he was growing on his land in Los Angeles and brought it to Amsterdam to grow. (Distance from Los Angeles to Amsterdam: 8,952 km)

•  In 2021, after nurturing the fig tree in Amsterdam for three years, Ian Page transferred it to Donghwan Kam before returning to his homeland. Donghwan Kam took diligent care of the tree.

•  In 2022, Donghwan Kam participated in the U-Jazdowski artist residency in Warsaw and brought the fig tree along. The timing was perfect, as the compost prepared by the previous resident artist Amy Pekal, was ready and served as excellent fertilizer. Consequently, the fig tree thrived in Warsaw. (Distance from Amsterdam to Warsaw: 1,196 km)

•  In 2023, Donghwan Kam cut a branch from the fig tree in Amsterdam, which originated from Ian Page’s original tree in LA, and brought it to Seoul to continue its growth. (Distance from Amsterdam to Seoul: 8,533 km)

•  In 2024, The Amsterdam fig tree was given to Özgür Atlagan, who also resides in Amsterdam. The Seoul fig trees are moved to MMCA residency program in Goyang and continue growing.

•  Grandma is in Los Angeles, Mama is in Amsterdam, and the Daughters are in Seoul. The next plan is bring grand daughter trees to Los Angeles.

After the arrival at U-Jazdowski castle in Warsaw, April 2022
At U-Jazdowski castle, June 2022
Propagate from the cutting in Seoul, 2023
Grandma fig tree in LA, in Ian Page’s land
Daughter trees in Seoul at Donghwan Kam’s rooftop, June 2024